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Smartphone App 'Pok�mon GO' To Combine Virtual World with Real World

The Pok�mon Company have announced a new smartphone game coming in 2016 that'll blend the real world and the virtual world.

The game titled 'Pok�mon GO' which is being developed by Niantic Inc, uses players location data to encourage them to search the real world to find, battle and capture Pok�mon.
"The Pok�mon video game series has used real-world locations such as the Hokkaido and Kanto regions of Japan, New York, and Paris as inspiration for the fantasy settings in which its games take place. Now the real world will be the setting!"
'Pok�mon GO' will feature many social features as players explore the outdoors, they'll be able to discover and help battle, catch, and trade Pok�mon with their friends and other players.

A small device, the Pok�mon GO Plus (developed and manufactured by Nintendo Co., Ltd.) will enable players to further play the game while not even using their smartphone. The device uses bluetooth and notifies the player about events like a nearby Pok�mon - using LED and vibration. Players can also use the device to catch Pok�mon or perform other simple actions.

'Pok�mon GO' will be available as a free download (with in-app purchases available) for iPhone and Android phones in 2016.

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